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Deborah Greene

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Board Member

Deborah Greene, serves as the current President of the Barnes United Methodist Women Ministry. She was employed as a Human Relations Professional for over thirty years in the fields of Race Relations & Employee Relations for local and federal government entities. She retired in 2004 from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Support Services as the Chief, Equal Employment Opportunity & Diversity; key responsibility for administering anti-discrimination complaint processing and community relations/outreach programs. She also was a Training Officer for IRS Regional Office, Cincinnati Ohio; her key responsibility was for training administration for Regional Commissioner & Staff along with employees of the Regional Office. She has extensive training & knowledge in federal anti-discrimination laws and regulations. 


Deborah holds a B.A. Degree in Psychology from Wilberforce University, Wilberforce Ohio. A M.S. Degree in Education (Social Agency Counseling) from the University of Dayton, Dayton Ohio. An A.S. Degree in Paralegal Studies from Sinclair Community College, Dayton, Ohio. 


Deborah has been a faithful active member of Barnes United Methodist Church since 2004, serving in the following ways: as the Chair of the Administrative Council from 2006-2009, the President of the Barnes UMC Women from 2018-present, with the Feeding Ministry since joining Barnes, and serving in our You Feed Them Missional Food Pantry since 2017. 


Deborah is an active member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Indianapolis Alumnae Chapter, serving as past President. She served on numerous committees as member and chair/co-chair recently Indianapolis Motor Speedway Non-Profit Organization Program (scholarship fundraiser). She is also a 

PraiseStage Productions Theatre Company Board Member & Secretary (2015-present). Indianapolis Black Alumni Council, Inc., past President (1988-2016). Chair of HBCU College Fair, and Wilberforce University Alumni Association, Indianapolis Chapter (1987-present).


She states that being a board member will afford her the opportunity to become more involved in the operational and administrative support areas of the Missional Food Pantry board.  


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